Craps Systems
I'm not here to steer you into choosing to play with a craps system
or choosing to play without a system, I'm just here to give you
a little info from both sides of the fence so that you are educated
enough to make the decision on your own grounds. Systems are a topic
of uncertainty in the gambling industry, with many many followers
who live by their system, some who claim to live off of it, and
many follower of the notion that systems are complete bullocks and
should be done away with from the hearts and minds of every gambler
in the world.
Truthfully it comes down to how something is presented to you.
If craps systems are the topic and the writer is a mathematician,
chances are the content will be along the lines of 'you're all gullible
idiots and deserve to lose!' - if however the writer is an experience
gambler who has used systems to help them in their life the content
may be 'not all systems are equal, telling the good from the bad
is what counts, and it's a game of intelligence'. Ok, two extremes,
but also two perspectives that deserve to have their point of view
explained. That's what this page is about, with particular reference
to craps systems.
Encyclopedia Britannica speaks a little to gambling, and even brings
up the issue of controlled betting systems:
"A common gamblers' fallacy called 'the doctrine of the
maturity of the chances' (or 'Monte Carlo fallacy') falsely assumes
that each play in a game of chance is not independent of the others
and that a series of outcomes of one sort should be balanced in
the short run by other possibilities. A number of 'systems' have
been invented by gamblers based largely on this fallacy; casino
operators are happy to encourage the use of such systems and to
exploit any gambler's neglect of the strict rules of probability
and independent plays."
Since Craps has the Pass line bet, many a man, woman and hopefully
not child has fallen prey to the oversimplification of mathematics;
in the form of a system known widely as the Martingale. The concept
is rather basic: when you lose 5 bucks, next time you bet 10 bucks,
and if you win, you win back everything you've lost, plus whatever
you would have normally one on a single unit bet. Next time you
lose, do the same thing. This works. No question this is completely
infallible. As systems go this one is absolutely perfect and anyone
could beat a casino using this technique. So of course casinos decided
to change the rules. Can you guess the simple thing that casinos
have done to outsmart the martingalers out there? It's literally
staring you in the face when you sit down at any table
table limits. If there is an upper table limit and you are playing
martingale, you will find yourself having to double your last bet
right up until that doubled amount is larger than the table maximum.
At that point, you take a big BIG loss.
So as the encyclopedia was trying to say (maybe they shouldn't
speak in such intellectual tones when discussing the activities
of Joe American, but I digress), any one bet in a casino is not
dependent on the bet that happened before it. If you flip a coin
100 times and the first 99 times it came up heads, there is no point
betting on tails just because you think its due, the 100th toss
has the same 50/50 chance the first toss had. The same is true at
the roulette table, and at the craps table, no roll is dependent
on the preceding roll, every roll is independent. These are the
laws of mathematics.
But these are only the laws of mathematics! Who obeys math's laws?
What's math done for you lately? who's its governing body? what's
a 7? All very good questions. Answered in order: Nobody.. just things
and forces (unless a person is thought of as a thing in a given
situation.. or a force, not the force a force), nothing (unless
you're a mathematician, but it hasn't hurt you either, remember,
think causality), the governing body is base10.. or is that base2,
and 7 is an abstract thought (and occasionally a damn good come
out roll). Put 'em all together and you've got a foolproof system
of numbers that apparently don't let anybody screw with them. And
the casinos are like the hells angels of the number system, it's
their racket, and nobody screws with them. Cumulatively this is
usually simply referred to as the house edge.
So why listen to me, I obviously don't know much about math (oooh
big talker betty crocker!), so I found someone who does. Here's
the opinion of the wizard of odds, a mathematician who spends the
better part of his day analyzing casino games and systems. His name
is Michael Shackelford and he happens to keep a mighty fine web
page called the wizard of odds. His take on craps systems? It's
the same as his take on all gambling systems, and this is a quote:
Under no circumstances should you waste one penny on any
gambling system. If you don't believe me ask for evidence that the
system you are considering has been put through a computer analysis
over millions of trials and has shown a profit over the long run.
If you ask for this you usually will get a reply saying that in
real life nobody plays millions of trials in the casino and that
somehow their system works in real life but not when used against
a computer simulation. It is interesting that professionals use
computers to model real life problems in just about every field
of study but when it comes to betting systems computer analysis
becomes "worthless and unreliable" as the salesman of
one system put it. Sometimes they may claim their system has passed
a computer simulation, if they say this demand the evidence. Anyone
who resists putting their system to the test over the long haul
is not to be trusted. Here are a few examples of the kind of web
pages I am talking about that are taking advantage of the mathematically
Sound advice from a man who certainly has a knack for sounding
like he knows what he's talking about. In fact, I found this a perfect
summary for my own position on craps systems, the Wizard offers
a contest open to the entire world to provide a system for beating
any negative expectation (house edge of > 0%) casino game. Nobody
to date has taken him up on his offer and won.
